Welcome to The Wolfie's Pack Furry Art Page. The following furry pictures range from quite clean to mostly clean, and are rated: GENERAL AUDIENCE. If you do not wish to view this material, or feel that this material is inappropriate, DON'T LOOK AT IT AND GO ELSEWHERE. Wolfie's Pack Productions assume no responsibility for the trouble you cause yourself. You've been warned. However, if this art is what you go for, be my guest and enjoy, but please, do not distribute.
Wolfie's Furry Art Page |
(G) Dragons One |
(G) Dragons Two |
(PG) Dragons III |
(PG) Licats |
(G) Cavalier |
(G) Jarad |
(PG) Vervain |
(PG) White-Delirium |
(PG) Irine |
(PG) DarkKitten |
(G) Mouse |
(PG) Juli-Cat |
(PG) Sniper |
(G) Cocooned |
(PG) MierTam |
(G) Tanker |
(G) Break |
(G) Tyron |
(PG) HunterKitty and Trace |
(PG) Cocooned II |
(PG) Ceilidh |
(PG) Freija |
(PG) Trenchcoat II |
(PG) Freija (color) |
(PG) Hard Tashabear |
(G) Hollyfox |
(G) Looking Up |
(G) Flying Lessons |
(G) Flying Lessons |
(G) Bearfoot |
(G) Bearfoot II |
(PG) Trenchcoat III |
(G) Bathtub |
(G) Aw, Cool! |
(G) Overpowered |
(G) Voxel |
(G) Corwynn |
(G) Mechanical Horse |
(PG) Unwilling Hostage |
(G) Slipsin |
(G) Storm's Comin' |
(G) 3 Sacks Left |
(PG) Armed |
(PG) Seppuku |
(G) Rafters |
(G) Absent Boss |
(G) Aftermath - Tribute to the F.D.N.Y. |
(G) Hard Subject |
"> |
(G) Hiroshima - Percheron |
(G) Mommabear's Gift |
(G) Griz |
(G) A Beastly Offensive Line |
(G) Pyramid |
(G) Pyramid (b&w) |
(G) Pick Me Up! |
(G) Misdirected |
"> |
(G)Papa Snuggems |
(G) Cub Snuggems |
(G) Furrymouse |
(G) Aneska |
"> |
(G)Papa Snuggem's Cabin |
(G) Dessicatt |
(G) 72 Hours Dealing with a Mouse |
(G) Bunique |
(G) PantherWill |
(G) PantherWill (colored version) |
(G) Roborab |
(PG) Stargazers |
(PG) Aribelle |
(G) The Golfer |
(PG) Aribelle with Spots |
(G) Chastise |
(G) Chiaroscuro |
(G) Points |
(G) Caught |
(G) Points (Redux) |
(G) Fe'ath |
(G) Alternates |
(G) Furrymouse the Player |
(G) Lyosha and Her Hostage |
(G) Ice_Zetsumei |
(G) White Delirium |
(G) Midnight Snack |
(PG) Talnisa in Flow |
(G) Brent |
(G) Birfday Card |
(G) Carmine's Badge |
(G) Silverblue |
(G) Ferrets |
(G) Ferrets (Color version) |
(G) Beija-Flor |
(G) Mecha and Wolf |
(G) Patchworkbunny |
(G) Heidi |
(PG) Aneska (quick 'n' dirty sketch) |
(G) Junior Gets Frisky |
(PG) Hurricane Hannah |
(PG) Hurricane Hannah (color version) |
(PG) Sekhmet (quick'n'dirty) |
(PG) Sekhmet |
(PG) Tactical |
(PG) Tactical |
(PG) Wolf |
(G) Caerrick |
(PG) Stained Glass Window |
(G) Bearfoot - Line Version |
(G) Bearfoot - Color Version |
(G) Bearfoot - Sepiatone Version |
(G) Random Bunny |
(G) Vinyard Bunny |
(G) Vineyard Bunny (Complete Version) |
(G) Wolf |
(G) Shark |
(G) Wolf Sketch |
(G) Wolves |
(PG) Sawed Off |
(G) Was1 |
(G) Fosbury Lop |
(G) Finish Line |
(PG) Trepidation |
(G) Lyndabug and Furrymouse |
(G) Tasha's Pool |
(G) Klondike |
(G) Beasts |
(G) Furrymouse |
(G) BeerHorse |
(G) Skorzy 'n' Emmy |
(PG) Shadow Forsythe |
(G) Dalia (Color version) |
(G) The Thinkers |
(PG) Scary Silverblue |
(PG) Sarajevo Sunday |
(PG) Fluxxx |
(G) Fluxxx Kitten |
(G) Red Ribbon |
(G) Fluxxx Again |
(G) FrostyW |
(G) Firefighter |
(PG) Kal-daka |
(G) Mortal Wombat |
(PG) Ringtail Gun |
(PG) Lord Logen Del Lobo |
(PG) Legen's Three |
(G) Trenchcoat Dragon |
(G) On the Stoop |
(G) Tam and Randy |
For art commissions, freelance work, or pricing information, e-mail yours truly, Wolfie, at [email protected]. All pics, poses and forms considered.
URL: http://www.wolfiespack.com
Layout, Design, & Revisions by Wolfie � 1999-2001.
All stories, rants, and artwork produced by W. Michael Dooley/Wolfie's Pack Productions. All written works are fiction and any similarities to any person, place, or entity, living, dead, or otherwise, is purely coincidental. All rants are the opinion of the author. No part of this website (www.wolfiespack.com) may be reproduced in whole or in part without express written consent of the author and/or Wolfie's Pack Productions. and is strictly prohibited.
Copyright � 1999-2001. All rights reserved.